Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Pairs

Cee’s Challenge topic this week is Pairs

When my husband and I bought our first house, it was new. No landscaping. No lawn. Just dirt, mostly clay.

One of our first outside projects was planting 12 tulip bulbs. With our first trowel.  Over the next 30+ years, we planted iris, daffodils, black-eyed susans, trilliums, lilies of the valley. And more.

A crowded situation ensued. We weeded around them (mostly my husband did the weeding, to be fair), transplanted a few…but some died out and some still spread.

Our first 12 tulips followed suit. As the years went by, we noticed fewer and fewer made it through the congested patch of dirt next to the house.

Except…two that lasted 20 years.

Pair of Survivors


By the time we moved – after 36 years – there was just one left.

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