No Worries

Inspired by V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #79: subtraction

This week think about what you might subtract from your life to free up energy – emotionally, physically, or psychologically. Naturally, creative discretion is yours – this doesn’t need to be a personal subtraction; global issues work too.




Surely the consolation prize of age is in finding out how few things are worth worrying over, and how many things that we once desired, we don’t want any more.

Dorothy Dix


A noble cause it is…

To subtract the worry
The wildest of imaginings
Endless admittedly useless
Exercises of the mind.


The treadmill to nowhere
Leaving one sweaty
Back at the beginning.

No Worries! they admonish.

Not so fast.

I’d like to know…
Where it’s that easy.

I’ll just keep working…
To carefully tuck away
One worry at a time.

So far so good.

Already I am lighter.

17 thoughts on “No Worries

  1. Oh WOW, your lines are so lovely–and realistic. When I look in the mirror I can see a lot of what I’ve discarded–the costly cosmetics to maintain exterior beauty (a mask that ultimately didn’t cover insecurities well at all). The lack of primping shouts out freedom: “I don’t care what I look like anymore–I have deeper pursuits to occupy me!” As far as “worries”…it depends on the day, how easily I can shake them off. Sometimes ageing seems to be a matter of trading one worry for another kind, but all in all “it’s good” 🙂

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