Wait for it

V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #71: Wait

Explore with me, if you will, the concept of waiting.



Was this the spot? Where it waited for me a couple of days ago? Before the first frost on the horizon could put it on hold.

deep woods
Starting out

Camera in hand, I had waited until late afternoon to catch the sunlight filtering through the trees. I thought I was dressed appropriately. Jeans. Sneakers. Jacket. It wasn’t really very cold. The woods were deserted. The path well covered with leaves.

However, I needed to go deeper into the woods to catch the best lighting. I carefully stomped around tree branches, prickly vines, decaying logs…my feet briefly disappearing into layers of damp leaves and grass. Making my way towards the light.

Despite the roar of the nearby highway, I enjoy the peaceful pull of these woods. Bordering my condo development, the local utility company owns the land and has left it virtually untouched. The smell is comforting. Familiar. Summer camp. Vacations with my kids at a lake in the mountains.

And now…retired, nest emptied, I have all the time I need to grab the camera and explore. Taking all the pictures I want to. Standing still in the damp leaves. Waiting for the light to shift. Crouching down. Looking up. Quickly focusing.

Time passes. The light moves once more. And so do I.

Maybe it was here.

deep woods 2
Maybe here…

They say you should tuck your pant legs into your socks. This never occurred to me. My woods feel safe. A sanctuary of sorts. Like I said…peaceful. I’m alone, but not really. A lone chipmunk scurries out of a fallen tree trunk and sits feet away, unafraid. A hawk swoops overhead alighting on a top branch…before taking off seconds later – too fast for my amateur photography skills.

There are also the deer I’ve encountered over the past few months…
The mama and her two baby deer who stand motionless when they see me at the end of the access road to the woods. We briefly stare at each other before she turns, babies following, and trots away…disappearing through the trees.

This time, when the light started to fade and I headed back home, I unknowingly transported more than my camera full of new images. After dinner, I transferred the photos…got ready for bed…

And that’s when I discovered what else I had carried home. It was actively feasting on my right thigh.


A deer tick.

After much freaking out (this was my first tick), I removed it – with some difficulty. Apparently the little critter was hungry. (full disclosure: my husband assisted)

There is a high risk of Lyme disease transmission where I live in the Northeast so we deposited it in a tiny plastic bag for testing.

The next day, I spent hours…waiting…for the doctor to call me back. Will she or won’t she agree to follow the (current) protocol for antibiotics to hopefully prevent the onset of Lyme. A potentially disabling disease which I could not fathom dealing with on top of the other health challenges I already face.

Waiting for phone calls from doctors takes on its own anxious energy. Unleashing wild imaginings, which I admit are worst case scenarios. However, when you repeatedly hear how you are the exception to the usual rules of medicine (that doesn’t usually happenI’ve never seen that before…), that’s where your imagination – unfortunately – goes. Waiting that sucks the time right out of your day. Right out of your life. I hate spending precious time this way.

After six hours, the doctor called back (the nurse, not actually the doctor – since that rarely happens) and, yes, I can take the antibiotics.

Now I wait to see if they work.


Deer Tick

(I couldn’t resist a macro shot of this unwanted guest…safely secured in its plastic resting place)



23 thoughts on “Wait for it

  1. I am reading along, devouring the beauty, the calm, the luxury of the moment and then wham – our worst nightmare! Thank goodness you caught it and got it tested! Praying those antibiotics do their work. As a side note: it angers me that women are still treated as medical mysteries. More money needs to be poured into research concerning women’s health.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks V.J. I am still trying to find out how & where to get it tested (this just happened). More waiting!
      Absolutely, I agree, research on women’s health needs to be prioritized for funding. I also believe doctors (& other health care professionals) need to be better educated in patient relationship skills. Starting with agism and gender bias.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my gosh, what a twist to this lovely tale’s beginning. I am lifting you up in fervent immediate prayer that God in His goodness and mercy will prevent any dire results from this hideous looking tick’s bite. A scary lesson learned, I suppose–to tuck pant legs. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great write. Starts out calm and peaceful, little do we know what is lurking further along! Unfortunately, ticks are all too common here on the prairies. We pop them into a pill bottle as we find them. We’ve found them on us, the dog, on our bed, carpet etc. fortunately, before they have bitten. Lyme disease is only moving into our area, it is still a rare occurrence. Check with entomologists at a local university to see if anyone is testing ticks. We can send ticks to the university for testing if found on an animal, and the a provincial laboratory if found on a human. Glad you got the antibiotics to start right away!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      Oh my — so many ticks. Ugh. I hope that Lyme doesn’t invade where you are as bad as it is here. I am trying to figure out the testing procedure. I did speak to an entomologist (that I happen to know!) about it. He thought I got the antibiotics in time.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! From catching that wonderful light in the forest to a critter catching a ride on you. Scary stuff! Hoping the meds caught it in time.
    A few years ago, I had a sore on my leg that wouldn’t heal. From multiple visits to different doctors and multiple antibiotic treatments that didn’t work, my daughter convinced me to go to Emerg. It saved my life. A doctor diagnosed it immediately as MRSA from a possible spider bite, while I was walking my dog in tall grass. I was given a special antibiotic for resistant bacteria and now I call them my miracle, blue pills. I was told that I could have had my leg amputated. Someone was watching over me.

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