It’s All About the Light

Len’s Artists Challenge #162: It’s All About the Light

This week the Lens-Artists team invites you to join us in exploring the magic of light…your challenge is to share images that illustrate the power of light ….


Walk in the woods…catching the light

In my mind, the magic of light hides in shadows and the secrets they reveal. I love the surprise. I’m always on a treasure hunt…discovering the hidden lines and shapes of nature’s artistry.

It can be anywhere…a photo taken indoors near a sunlit window…crouching down on the floor…whatever it takes…or downtown, walking along a chain link fence…at just the right time of day…waiting for the clouds to part for the sun.

Sunlit Tulips

The shoreline at the beach…end of day in November…light and color merge in spectacular fashion…

Hampton Beach, NH

However…perhaps nothing takes the place of well placed natural light streaming through a window…at the perfect moment…capturing a 5 year old’s uninhibited profile of joy….

It is indeed…all about the light.

5 years old

30 thoughts on “It’s All About the Light

    1. Thank you! I am happy with the way they turned out. I really enjoy the discovery process when the light hits. Seeing the light bathe someone I love is extra special. ❤️ (thanks for the high compliment there too🙂)

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