Macro Monday: Butter & Eggs

butter & eggs wildflower
Butter and Eggs

I discovered these sweet little wildflowers yesterday on a walk along the local river. The chain link fence always provides an interesting backdrop to flower escapees as I like to call them. Flowers and vines and such that Will Not Be Contained.

Mmm. Maybe too much projection going on, but I call it as I see it.

My husband, aka the sometimes expert in residence, (whose father’s business was hunting, collecting and selling wildflowers worldwide) declared I think Dad called these flowers “Butter and Eggs.”

Really?? said I.

Google concurred.

And they do kind of look the part, don’t they?


Cee’s Flower of the Day

33 thoughts on “Macro Monday: Butter & Eggs

  1. What a beauty! Melts in. your mouth.

    Because of the chain link, you reminded me of a poem I wrote I’d like to put on my blog today … it would fit well with the photo. I’m wondering how you’d feel about my borrowing it? I’d of course say my source … let me know.

    If you’d want to see the poem first, I can email it to you … but I know you’ll like it. (:-)

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I remember as a child, gently pinching snap dragons to make their “mouths” open 🙂 PS: your husband is truly a renaissance man–or jack of all trades: musician, plant person, and surely an all around great representative of his “species” (I don’t praise men easily, so my vote–not having met him–should make him smile) 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you for the link to the poem, Andrea–made me weep, as it touched a survivor’s familiar wounded place. She writes beautifully. And now I know there are others who write to your lovely photos–which gives you more good exposure hopefully–I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re famous beyond the blog world one day soon!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. You’re welcome. She does write beautifully (as do you!) and I’m glad I “introduced’ you 2 poets :). (I don’t know about the famous part, but I appreciate your support!)


      4. This is one of the great aspects of blogging–making/sharing connections we might otherwise miss 🙂 I stand firm on my belief you could be a famous photographer…find someone to promote you, if self-promotion is challenging (it would be for me).

        Liked by 1 person

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