Fandango’s Friday Flashback – December 20

I was intrigued at discovering a new challenge (new to me, that is).

It originates at Fandango’s Friday Flashback – December 20.

Wouldn’t you like to expose your newer readers to some of your earlier posts that they might never have seen? Or remind your long term followers of posts that they might not remember?..Why don’t you reach back into your own archives and highlight a post that you wrote on this very date in a previous year?


I decided to join in…with what I had posted on December 20th, 2018 – which happened to be in response to a V.J. Challenge….


This post is inspired by V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #28: Recipe


kitchen table014


Family Dinner (serves 4)

4 Family Members
1 table – any size or shape. (Clean – free of crumbs, junk mail & old newspapers)
4 chairs – preferably facing each other.
4 knives – (delete knife for young children)
4 forks
4 spoons
4 plates and cups.
Napkins – 4 or more, depending on need.

Preheat or Cool room to comfortable temperature.

Prepare and assemble food of any kind.
Chicken, potatoes, carrots. Or pizza. Or take-out.
Enough for 4.
Beverage of choice.

Mute and remove all phones from the room.
Turn off television if present.
Turn on music (low) if desired (if the music streams from phone, place out of reach).

Serve meal to all 4 family members seated at the table – portion sizes as requested.
Place napkins on laps.

Commence eating slowly, putting utensils down between each bite.
Look at other family members directly. Make eye contact. Smile.

Taking turns, ask one another questions such as:
– How was your day?
– What did you do at school?
– What’s new?
– How about those Red Sox?

If all questions are answered before the meal is over:
– Reminisce about the old days when family dinners happened all the time.
– And how once you pretended to eat liver, but actually slipped it to the dog.
– And how you walked 2 miles uphill to go to school.
– And then home for lunch and back again.

Discussion of politics is optional.

Use table manners as discussed in “Table Manners for Family Dinners.”
For example…
Say Please, Thank You, You’re Welcome and May I Please Be Excused.
Refrain from burping, belching or open mouth chewing.

When everyone is finished eating, offer dessert if desired.
Repeat nightly.
As much as possible.

Keep warm.



11 thoughts on “Fandango’s Friday Flashback – December 20

  1. As I gazed at this table, I thought of HGTV, always prattling on about the wonderful kitchen “island.”
    I thought of the tiny banquette into which my sister’s family squeezed for most meals, and the kitchen table where Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood sat in The Bridges of Madison County. No kitchen island can take the place of the intimacy of the table in your photo.

    Liked by 2 people

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