Tuesday Photo Challenge – Go Big!

Here is my entry for this week’s challenge hosted by “Dutch goes the Photo”


The theme this week is “Go Big!”

During the last 20 or so years we lived in our former home, we were visited every spring by wasps. They insisted on building homes behind the shutters, in the eaves, window casings, under the deck, stairs…wherever they could hide. Nests usually the size of a walnut or up to a small egg. I was constantly on the lookout and usually managed to evict them before they infiltrated our living space. Or stung us. Allergy and all.

That is, until one beautiful September day…when walking across the backyard, I glanced up and discovered a monster wasp nest like I’d never seen before. At least the size of a football. Attached to a branch in the maple tree.

The wasps were alive and well.
And not happy to be discovered.
A good friend suggested we sell it on Ebay.
I declined.


September Surprise


10 thoughts on “Tuesday Photo Challenge – Go Big!

  1. Yikes, I haven’t seen a wasp nest that big since I was a kid. We’ve had them build in the ground around our house and in the retaining walls…they scare the heck out of me. Glad you just admired it from afar!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I recently spotted a similar one in a tree near our new home. Just walking along the tree lined border of the property (of condo buildings) and looked up. This time, though, someone else took care of it! šŸ™‚


  3. Like Shelley, wasps scare me quite a bit also. Last time I saw a nest like that it was under a piece of tin I had just flipped over when I was about ten years old. The wasps were not happy I had disturbed them and covered my arms, stinging me about 6-8 times as I ran home. To this day they make me cringe now.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh my, what an awful memory. No wonder it is still so vivid. I am allergic to bee stings, so I never know what would happen with a wasp. They just creep me out! Thank you for your comment.


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