Flash Fiction Challenge – Comet

Flash Fiction Challenge: August 16, 2018, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about a comet. You can consider how it features into a story, influences a character, or creates a mood. Go where the prompt leads.


My contribution:

The screen door slams behind them.
She rushes past the little boy. Runs upstairs.
The little girl stays behind.

What happened? he asks.
I think she’s scared, the little girl answers, eyes wide.
Someone was spying on us from the woods!

They like this new silent mysterious guest.
She stays upstairs. They let her be.

Day becomes night.
She crawls from under the bed.
Peeks out the window, eyes scanning left and right.
Nobody out there.

Transfixed by the starry night, she sees it.
A blazing white streak across the sky.
Like from the book.
A comet!

She remembers.

7 thoughts on “Flash Fiction Challenge – Comet

    1. Yes, that’s what has happened – starting with Charli’s flash prompt on July 5th (excepting the Fannie Hooe flash). This is #6. It’s been a surprise story adventure for me as well! They are all in my “Flash Fiction” category if you are interested. Thank you for your comment!

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